Buena Vista Boulevard Garden
The project to transform the boulevard on McPherson Ave between 5th and 6th street started in the spring of 2022 when a group of community members, supported by the Buena Vista Community Association and newly designated nature-based Buena Vista School, removed grass from a sixteen by two meter section of the boulevard to plant flowers and grasses native to Saskatchewan. In the fall, we used donated leaves and wood chips and compost from the City to begin preparing an extended planting area.
Our plans for garden expansion in 2023 include: adding a permanent water source, expanding the planted area to include additional native plant beds and prairie-friendly food plants, adding features like a Little Library, a welcome sign, a rain barrel, and providing communal tools for garden volunteers.
We are always looking for volunteers who are interested in participating – whether you have no gardening experience or are an expert gardener. We love to learn from each other.
For more information, you can email buenavistagardencollective@gmail.com, or find us on social media!
The boulevard garden is registered with the City of Saskatoon’s Boulevard Garden program, is certified by the Wild About Saskatoon’s Pollinator Paradise program, and is supported by a Butterfly Way Ranger from the David Suzuki Foundation’s Butterfly Way program.
The garden blooming with native flowers and grasses in late summer 2022. Photo Credit: Leisha Grebinski.