Buena Vista Community News
End of Season Party
Sept 10 Work Bee
Picnic & Movie in the Park 2023
2023 Picnic & Movie in the ParkSeptember 16 2023, picnic and socializing at 6:30pm; movie starts around 7:45pm. Join us on September 16 for a picnic and movie night in Buena Vista park, next to the paddling pool building. Bring food, water, chairs, blankets, and...
Kids in the Park – 2023
Kids in the Park Located at Buena Vista Park, Paddling Pool,1304 Victoria Avenue July 5, July 19, Aug 2, Aug 16, from 10:30 am – 11:30 am View list of other Saskatoon Kids in the Park locations here. Contact Us : saskatoonyouthsoccer.ca306-975-3413
Garden Party
Theatre in the Park 2023 – Zero Gravity
Theatre in the Park 2023 – Zero Gravity June 25 - 4pm at Buena Vista Park As Theatre in the Park enters its 11th season, we are sure that this is not one you will want to miss. There have been many story's shared about race relations, diversity, accessibility, and...
Art in the park 2023
Community Nurtured Boulevard Garden
Ice Skating Soireé
Garden Party & Work Bee
Our final work bee and garden party of the season will take place Thursday September 29th from 5:30 until dusk. Come when you can! Our plan is to dig and prepare more soil for planting next year. The goal is to eventually reach the end of the boulevard at 5th St....