Buena Vista Jane’s Walk
Design Opportunities in Buena Vista: An Ideas Walk by Design Council of Saskatchewan
May 7, 2017, 1:30 PM, 1 Hour
Meet at Tastebuds, 1624 Lorne Ave
Led by Bertrand Bartake
About This Walk
What opportunities lie in the spaces between building and landscape, sidewalk and roadway, neighborhood plan and topography? Led by a local architect and member of Design Council of Saskatchewan, Design opportunities for Buena Vista is an ideas walk that seeks out the opportunities in the spaces leftover after 100 years of development in one of Saskatoon’s oldest neighbourhoods. This ~60 min walk will explore parts of the community, pausing to investigate interstitial spaces and to brainstorm ideas for their creative use/reuse that can set the tone for our urban environment for the next 100 years. What to bring: good shoes, great ideas, open mind.